[Berdo baby food ] 番茄羅勒碎牛肉 Basil ground beef with tomato sauce


我突發奇想將平常吃的炒牛肉去掉調味給寶寶吃,沒想到博朵一號很愛耶! 配上糙米飯就是道健康的晚餐菜餚! 可惜沒辦法加鹽巴、和小辣椒調味,要不然再配上啤酒....mmm..好下飯啊!!orz


  • 碎牛肉 ground beef 0.5 lb
  • 番茄一顆切丁 one diced tomato
  • 羅勒葉一把切碎 one bunch diced basil
  • 蒜頭五瓣切碎 5 diced garlic gloves
  • 5顆小番茄切半 5 cherry tomato cut in half


  1. 開中火,在平底鍋加入約一茶匙橄欖油爆蒜香約一分鐘
  2. 加入切丁的番茄翻炒約一分鐘
  3. 加入碎牛肉,將牛肉用鏟子翻碎成塊狀;寶寶需要成形的牛肉塊比較好握,太碎會不好拿
  4. 翻炒牛肉和番茄,這時候會出很多水,繼續翻炒到所有汁收乾約5-8分鐘
  5. 等到所有醬汁收乾後加入切碎的羅勒葉翻炒約一分鐘
  6. 加入切半的小番茄點綴即完成
  7. 記得要等菜涼了再給寶寶吃
  1. heat about 1 teaspoon olive oil over medium heat then add diced garlic. stir until the garlic fragrance comes out, roughly about 1 min
  2. add dice tomato and stir about 1 min
  3. add ground beef and use spatula to divide it by small chunks; baby needs small chunk of beef to grab. if the beef is too diced, it would be harder for them to grab and eat
  4. keep stirring tomato and beef until the tomato sauce reduced completely about 5-8 min
  5. when all the sauce is reduced, add dice basil and mix it with beef about 1 min 
  6. add half cherry tomato for dressing then the dish is done
  7. make sure the dish is cool down before serving your baby


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